Your body is a system powered by electricity. Electrical energy does not come from food. Electrical energy is generated by water and pure fulvic acids, not fulvic minerals or fulvic mineral salts. If you are not focused on and/or missing water and pure fulvic acids, both of which are essential nutrients, you will not be fully charged on a daily basis, and you will not live well. When the foundation of your daily life is built on drinking only water and supplementation with pure fulvic acids, a primary focus on food as energy and eating to live falls away.

Wu Jin San™
Pure Fulvic Isolate
Ancient Wisdom. Modern Science. Golden Medicine.
No Harmful Metals. 100% Natural.
The word fulvic derives from the Latin "fulvus", which means tawny or yellow. Pure fulvic acid is a golden light brown to brownish-orange. If it's not this brassy color, it isn't fulvic acid. And even if it is a brassy color, but contains minerals, don't be fooled. Humic/fulvic with minerals, or fulvic acid containing minerals, lacks the full spectrum benefit of pure fulvic acid.
Wu Jin San® is Pure Fulvic Acid with all of the biologic benefits: *
Enhances Electrical Circuits in Your Body 🔌
Enhances Nutrient Absorption & Assimilation
Enhances Detoxification & Elimination
Supports a Strong Immune System
Enhances Wound Healing
Anti-Inflammatory Benefit in Chinese Medicine ☯
Supports Healthy Microbiome by stimulating "good" microbes, while suppressing "bad" microbes. 🔬
Chelates Heavy Metals
Binds Radionuclide Waste in Soils and Water ☢
Binds & Neutralizes Pesticides & Toxic PetroChemicals
Supports cell growth and repair
Shown to enhance Longevity through BioAssay Testing
Wu Jin San® is an Essential Nutrient.
For Optimal Health, Daily Supplementation is Recommended.
Powdered Mushroom Tea Blend
Fauna Mana™
7 Powerful Medicinal Mushrooms
1:1 Mushroom Extracts
Full Spectrum. Whole Mushroom.
No Mycelium. No Grain. Organically Grown.
With Ashwaganda and Green Tea.
Chaga - "The King of Medicinal Mushrooms" ♔
Cordyceps - Yin and Yang Support ☯
Shitake - "DNA Protection" ⚛
Maitake - "Anti-Oxidant" Support / "Blood Sugar Regulation" ❉
Turkey Tail - "The Immune Mushroom" ⚕
Oyster - Blood Pressure Regulation ❤/ Natural Statins / Anti-Viral, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Bacterial
Tremella - "The Beauty Mushroom" (for soft and glowing skin) ☀
Ashwagandha - Ayurvedic adaptogen to support adrenal function
Green Tea - with EGCG & Catechins

We have selected seven medicinal mushrooms and combined them with Ashwagandha, Green Tea, and our proprietary blend of humic and fulvic acid to create a therapeutic tea beverage, prepared with hot water, according to traditional Chinese Medicine practice. Hot water is necessary to chemically release the active ingredients.

Vortex Water Revitalizer
Bringing Your Water Back to Life
Water that has been processed is water that is flat. Water becomes "flat" because the speed of the water molecules is reduced by multiple stages of filtration, traveling miles of underground twists and turns to your tap, or when "shocked" with an electrical current between two metal plates.
The taste of flat water is often offensive and definitely something that does not quench a thirst. These qualities stem from the fact that flat water does not have enough energy to effectively and efficiently hydrate the cells.
Experience the taste and feeling of drinking water that has been brought back to life by simulation of Nature's vortex, which is the force that gives water molecules the speed in the first place.
Experiment with the plumbing attachments or the countertop carafe to "vortex" the water you drink. You will be glad you did!!

Lithicin™ Pet and Animal Food Supplement
Ancient Fossil Peat Combined with Carbonaceous Clay
100% Natural
Humic and fulvic acids have long been used in the animal husbandry and livestock production industries. Extensive literature exists on the effects of humates in cows, goats, sheep, hogs, poultry, and horses. Lithicin™is a registered animal remedy in Oregon and has been shown to increase milk production when studied on dairy cows in the Netherlands.
Lithicin™ is non-toxic and has both soluble and insoluble humic acids and clays, which enhance longevity and protect the digestive tract. All animals benefit from these natural humic substances, which would have been in abundance in the wild, supplied by microbes in fertile soil. Animals crave humic substances and will overeat if humates are lacking in the food. Animals denied the crucial components of humic matter will eat soil, wood, or manure to obtain these essential nutrients.
Therapeutic Benefits 🐎🐄🐐🐔🐖 *
Stabilizes intestinal flora and improves nutrient utilization, thereby reducing food needs and/or cost.
Detoxifies pollutants in food and forms protective barrier in the intestinal tract.
Higher food conversion, with reduction in nitrogenous waste and thereby reduction in odor of faeces.
Reduction in stress hormone levels, making animals more calm and energetic.
Stimulates "good" microbes, while suppressing "bad" microbes.
Reduction of mastitis in cows.
Raises resistance against disease.
Useful in the treatment of scours.
Reduces mortality and increases growth in poultry.
Supports cell growth and repair.

Lithicin™ is an Essential Nutrient.
For Healthy Animals, Daily Supplementation is Recommended.

Andy, Wu Jin San® Purchase
“I have to say I was nervous to try Fulvic Acid because I have taken so many things that taste horrible. I was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2006. Recovery has been the hardest part. I’ve been trying to get my life back. I’ve tried so many different products. I mixed the Fulvic Acid in water and smelled it – I didn’t really smell anything and thought “maybe it won’t be too bad”. Shot the mixture back and there was no taste at all – what a pleasant surprise! An even better surprise was how it made me feel. It gives my body a boost – one it desperately needs. I can feel the difference in my whole body when I am taking the Fulvic Acid. If I even skip one dose I just feel different – not as fresh, alert, or vital. I will happily be taking Fulvic Acid every day of my life! Thank you!”

Carmen, Wu Jin San® Purchase
This stuff is amazing. Mine arrived in perfect condition - sealed well with no contents lost. After just a few days of use (of taking 1 oz/day) I notice a SIGNIFICANT decrease in systemic inflammation as well as increased energy. I have CFS and numerous sensitivities which create a lot of inflammation in my body. I've used TONS of different supplements over the past 15 years and this one stands out as truly superior and one that I now won't want to be without. I've tried 3 or 4 other brands of fulvic acid and this one has truly given the best results AND it's the most palatable; barely any taste. If you've been lucky enough to stumble upon this product, give it a try!! I'm headed over to their website now to purchase a gallon.

Jack, Wu Jin San®,
Fauna Mana™ Purchase
“I was skeptical when my wife wanted to order the WuJinSan Fulvic Acid and Fauna Mana Super Immune Booster, but I decided to give it a try. I’d been taking both consistently for a month until one day I ran out of the house and forgot. I’m an arborist, so am very physically active. I was out working that afternoon and just felt completely wiped out, like I could go to sleep at any moment. When I got home, I took the Wu Jin San Fulvic with the Fauna Mana mushroom powder. I didn’t expect anything really, so was surprised that within an hour I felt completely re-energized and balanced, like I just woke up!! Seriously, it was amazing! I’ve tried other products and have been completely unimpressed. I was truly amazed by the instant results.”

Poppy Phillips, Equine Alternatives
Lithicin™ Purchase
I have been ordering Lithicin for years now and feed it to any horse or dog that is underweight, lacking muscle or just not thriving. You usually see improvement within 5 days of feeding and if not I gradually increase the dose. If your show horse is not looking shiny show ready, I think this product may be the ticket for you. Litchicin has made a huge difference in geriatric animals.